Thursday, December 12, 2013

Ten Things

1. Uncle Jeff and Cub went on a golfing trip to Scotland back in October. Some of the pictures they took (all with their phones!) are gorgeous.


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2. We have a new washer and dryer! Look how shiny they are.


3. How cute is my goddaughter in her yellow winter coat?


4. Riley loves when I tickle his belly. He gets so still and quiet. It’s like he’s a different kid…..for two minutes.

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5. Random Rory: cute in overalls, chewing on the remote control, waiting to pick up his big brother from school, and standin’ man.


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6. Random Riley: new obsession with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, playing with a nativity magnet set from Nola, reading Christmas books with Daddy, always coming home with dirty shirts from school, on the way to school wearing shades, a glove, and Daddy’s sock, and decorating the Christmas countdown calendar that Uncle Jeff and I used to do when we were younger.


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7. Thanks to Grandma, Kenny and I were able to go out and have a small anniversary celebration. We went to see Catching Fire and then had dinner at Bonefish. The only pic of us I got was on our way to the movie drinking wine out of a red solo cup. Classy, huh?


Kenny also sent me gorgeous purple roses for our anniversary, only they arrived a week late. He accidentally entered the wrong date when he ordered them online. Too funny.


8. These two are peas in a pod in the mornings around here.

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And how cute is the big brother giving the little brother an impromptu inside wagon ride?

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9. Nola and Nopsi took Riley and me to see Frozen last weekend. We loved it, and Riley even came home with an Olaf pin!


10. Nola and Nopsi also took Riley, Rory, Kate, Aunt E, and I to see the Lafreniere lights on Monday evening. So pretty.

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Can you believe its been two years since we first did this with Riley?


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I love this blog- So precious and again the memories to keep. Hugs, Grams

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