Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Twelve Things

1. Rory is loving him some Jem these days.

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2. Rory looking cute waiting for Dr. N at his 9-month appointment.

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3. Rory and Kate in Sam’s and the cousins playing together at Nola and Nopsi’s house after school.



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4. Riley and Rory got a special gift from LPb and DB for Christmas: a personalized picture board book. Thanks so much, y’all!


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5. Kenny and I went to a wedding at the Roosevelt last Friday night, so we got to see the beautifully decorated lobby. So pretty.



6. We finally bought a new carseat for Riley and passed his old one down to Rory, who had very much outgrown the infant seat. Now they both have sweet rides.


7. Kenny and Riley got to play at the farm with the ‘Woods two days before Christmas. They jumped on the big hay bales, Riley found a really big stick, and everyone tried to stay warm in the cold weather.



I’d say the wonk potatoes had a good day.


8. One last picture of our 2013 Christmas tree, with a pile of brown paper packages tied up with strings underneath.


9. The boys have been very busy testing out some of their new Christmas presents.

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10. Rory sprouted his first tooth (his lower middle left) the day after Christmas!

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In other news, look at this child’s eyelashes. Gorgeous.


11. I have neglected to post this audio clip until now, and I am sorry about that. Please listen to my two boys having a grand time in the backseat of the car on the way home from school one afternoon. Wonk potatoes and crazy fries.

12. Michelle and Becky came in town to visit just after Christmas, so we all gathered at our house for an afternoon playdate. We had so much fun! Sadly, Alden and Rory are not pictured below, but at least the other seven were in the same place long enough for me to snap a pic.


Happy New Year’s Eve to everyone! Have a safe and fun time tonight. May 2014 be even better for you than this year was.


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