Thursday, December 5, 2013

Black Friday Christmas Tree

Kenny and I decided to get our Christmas tree (Rory’s first!) on Black Friday this year. So, after the little one napped and the big one played in a box-o-leaves, we ventured out into the madness.

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We got a later start than I had wanted (on account of Rory sleeping longer than anticipated), so we actually ended up going to grab lunch at Cane’s first. The location may change from year to year, but Kenny and I agreed that having lunch somewhere before tree shopping would be a tradition.

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Then, having heard Nola and Nopsi’s scouting report earlier that morning, we headed off in search of this year’s tree. Nola said that the selection at Lowe’s was substandard and that the tree lots were way overpriced. That left Home Depot.

Their trees were nowhere near as pretty as the one we took home last year, but we found a nice tree that ended up scraping the ceiling when we got it inside. So at least we got another good deal, since it was tagged in the 8-9 foot category.


The boys and I had front row seats when Kenny brought our tree inside, and then I parked the little one right under it so he could check it out. He immediately grabbed at the branches and almost assuredly would have tried to eat them had he not had his paci in his mouth already.




I’m a little worried about this tree since it is already dropping lots of needles and not drinking nearly enough water. I just hope it’s not completely barren by Christmas Day.

Kenny, on the other hand, has only been worried about lights. The boys tried to help him put our Christmas lights on the house later that afternoon, but he ended up having to fight with several of the strings inside that night. They continue to be the bane of his Christmas existence.

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‘Tis the season to curse at electricity. Or lack thereof.

But he persevered and our house looks beautiful. We also finally found time to trim our tree last night after the boys were in bed. I always think we don’t have enough ornaments when we get started, but once we’re all done, the tree is chock full of ‘em. So pretty.


It actually turned out to be a very nice looking tree. Now I just have to put a pile of wrapped presents underneath it.

If only said presents were actually already wrapped. That would be awesome.

Oh, and if you happened to spot the new {temporary} addition to our tree this year, stay tuned. More details on our new friend coming up next week!


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

The tree looks beautiful AND the boys are so cute together. Hugs, Grams

QP said... Best Blogger Tips

The tree is perfect. Good job, guys!

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