1. The boys in their new Christmas pjs from Roux!
2. Karen and I went to see the holiday musical revue Let It Snow at Rivertown on December 7. We decided to try out new restaurant Porch and Patio beforehand, instead of our old standby, Gendusa’s. Unfortunately, the service was pretty terrible, and I never got the burger that I ordered for dinner. We did get some of our wine comped, though, so we had a pretty good night regardless.
3. Riley with a new Chima Lego set from Nola for Christmas and Rory running trucks through the leaves in Nopsi’s side yard.
4. It’s getting awfully close to the 2019 Disney Marathon Weekend, and I’m having serious withdrawals. For the first time in four years, I won’t be in Orlando the second weekend in January.
I still try to get a run in at least once a week, but the holidays have seriously screwed my schedule up. Hoping to get back to it semi-regularly once the boys are back in school!
5. Cory and Snowy are still doing pretty good, although we did have to cut back to one feeding a day. I think Snowy developed a swim bladder issue but seems to be okay for now. And Cory is so nuts that he would eat anytime we dropped food into the water. Crazy fish.
6. Blake’s birthday party at Surge!
7. Kenny found a new way to carry Rory. It’s only slightly disturbing.
8. Dinner at GW Fins and then Elf with Nopsi!
9. Rory decided he wanted a platform in his room like his brother’s, so Kenny obliged and built one for him a few days before Christmas. Now both boys have excellent places for their Lego battle set-ups.
10. Sleepy Sprouts and Bean. You’re welcome.
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