Monday, June 13, 2011

Video Monday: Stairs

Riley has discovered how to climb stairs. He proceeds to demonstrate this new trick of his every chance he gets. We can be contentedly playing in the den and suddenly he will take off, crawling around the sofa and heading straight to the bottom of the stairs. He can usually get to the top of the landing (three steps up) before I can reach him.

He’s a fast little bugger, that’s for sure.

He also tries to escape from his room and crawl to the top of the stairs every chance he gets, which is why I have been closing the door to his room when we play in there.

Much easier for my sanity and his safety.

Check out his new trick in action, complete with original soundtrack.

Happy Monday!


QP said... Best Blogger Tips

He IS fast! Will he learn to get down the stairs by butt-bumping like we taught you and Jefferson, I wonder?

Uncle Jeff said... Best Blogger Tips

I will have to teach him how to slide down on his stomach.

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