Friday, July 12, 2013

A First for Rory and a First for Riley

RORY: I put Rory in the Bumbo for the first time last week. I’ve been reluctant to use it since he’s still spitting up and I figured it would put added pressure on his tummy, but I decided I had to give it a try sooner or later.

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Sure enough, right after I finished taking a few pictures, he spit up. Such is life these days. Then Kenny put him in it one night while Riley was eating dinner. No spit up, and I think he enjoyed sitting so close to his brother.


RILEY: Kenny had the day after the Fourth off, so we decided to do something fun with our firstborn boy. We left the little one with Nola and Nopsi and took Riley to the movies for the first time to see Monsters University. (Pardon the picture quality; all we had were our phones.)


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Riley did really well during the movie, staying mostly quiet and only talking loudly a few times. That was probably because Kenny and I kept shoving popcorn, Junior mints, animal crackers, and/or root beer in his mouth, but it’s all good. He enjoyed seeing Sully and Mike on a really, really big “tv,” and that’s all that matters.

Plus, you have to eat buttery, salty popcorn and drink a sweet, sugary drink your first time at the movies. It’s a rule, right?


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Rory is so big.. And Riley got to see his first picture show Love it. Hugs, Grams

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