Monday, August 6, 2012

Video Monday: Doodlebug’s Name Reveal

A couple of months ago, Uncle Jeff told everyone that he had a special way to reveal the sex and the name of Doodlebug. He also said that his idea would make both Nola and Kel-Kel (Aunt E’s mom) really mad. We were all extremely curious what he had planned, but we would have to wait until almost 6pm on July 31 to find out.

30 Finally, delivery!

About 20 minutes after Kate entered the world, Jeff came out into the waiting room with a sign that he placed on the wall. He had created a game similar to hangman. If a wrong letter was guessed, he removed part of the owl on the left side of the sign. And of course he filled in any correctly guessed letters. The two grandmothers were the only players, and man were they pissed at Jeff for making them think on the spot. Thank goodness the name was only four letters long!

32 Oh,no! it's a game! 34 I gotta guess the name


The game was a very cute idea, and everyone (except perhaps Nola and Kel-Kel) enjoyed it. But enough of me writing about the reveal: Lizzie was there to capture it all on video. {She and I also had some fun sneaking back to Erin’s room to see if we could hear Kate’s first cries, but we got reprimanded back to the waiting area by a nurse. Bummer.} Please enjoy!

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Kate Kellye day 2 093

Happy Monday!


QP said... Best Blogger Tips

That was a very annoying, fun "game!"

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Wish I had been there BUT I enjoyed coming later and Knew Doodlebug was a girl ( a beautiful girl at that). Hugs, Grams

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