Thursday, August 30, 2012

Two Years Old {Happy Birthday, Riley-bean}

Dear Riley-bean,

You are two years old today, my sweet boy. Happy Happy Birthday!

You weigh 30 pounds and stand about 36 inches tall. You certainly are a growing boy, and you are told all the time that you look and act much older than you really are. You still talk constantly, and you continue to amaze everyone who comes into contact with you at just how well you speak for your age. My favorite phrases of yours lately are “oh bumpers” (from Chuggington), “simple as that,” and “don’t get your panties in a wad.”

You know your last name. You also yell out random names and words as you are going around the house: “Mama! Daddy! Riley! Come over here! Window! Alligator!” You also said this month, “Cute. Kinda like toot!” Silly goose. You also started asking, “Wanna be funny?” when the people around you are laughing at something, simply because you want to be a part of the fun. When you get a positive response to your question, you giggle and chuckle to yourself. I need to get this on video one day soon because it is so cute.

You’re still mixing up your pronouns. You say “you” when you’re talking about yourself and “me” or “I” when you’re talking about someone else. Daddy and I are working on this as best we can, but it’s a challenge.

You’re really testing out your volume these days, and Daddy and I are working hard to teach you the difference between an inside voice and an outside one. Seriously, though, son, stop screaming when we’re in public! Even though you don’t do it often, it’s not nice for the people around us.

You tried salsa, pecans, and thyme this month, as well as Abita root beer. You are having a little trouble eating well at all three meals. Unless it’s a Nutri-Grain bar (which you love), breakfast is a struggle. Lunch is usually fine, but dinner has been a headache for whoever is feeding you. You do like to dip things in ketchup, which helps sometimes. And I came up with the idea of taking bites for Mickey, Minnie, Daisy, etc., which only worked really well for a week or so before you caught on to my scheme.

You are stubborn and headstrong, just like your Mama. When you don’t get your way, watch out. Your turn those waterworks on, whine, and push your little arms in and out in front of you, determined to get what you want.

You developed a fascination with water towers this month. You’re doing really well with stacking things. You are also more interested in coloring these days, which I just love. However, I did not love when you drew on the white sofa with blue crayon. Not cool, son; not cool.

I’m not sure who started this, but you love when Daddy or I spell out names and words on your chest at night. You’re getting really close at knowing how to spell your own name (as well as “Bean”) but that darn “L” trips you up most times.

You really loved playing with your music table this month, and you seem to love music in general. You request songs often when you go to bed at night, and you even hum along with me when I sing “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.” One of your favorites this month was “Aloutte,” which you at first called “Junta Lye-ta Lye-ta.” You also really like “Itsy Bitsy Spider,” “Row Row Row Your Boat,” and, of course, “Hey Fightin’ Tigers.”

You absolutely love Mickey Mouse and his friends. You request to watch the show numerous times every day. And you are actually absorbing quite a lot from the show because you reference things fairly often, like the silly switch, handy crane, silly gilly gumball, etc. Sometimes it takes me awhile to figure out what in the world you’re talking about, but I’ve learned that it usually has something to do with Mickey.

You still give kisses fairly easily, and Daddy taught you how to give big hugs with both of your little arms wrapped around the neck. You’re proving to be more of a challenge (hello, you’re 2!), especially for me, but at heart you are still a loving, sweet, smart little boy. Daddy and I love you so much and feel so privileged to be your parents. I hope you continue to amaze and surprise us just as much in your third year as your first two.

Happy second Birthday, Riley Scott.

Love, Mama and Daddy



QP said... Best Blogger Tips

Happy Birthday, ma petite legume!

AD#1 said... Best Blogger Tips

So hard to believe you are 2 years old already, Riley! Have a happy, fun year!!

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