Our Christmas Eve started out very lowkey. I wasn't feeling the greatest, so I took it pretty easy most of the day. But I got myself together and Kenny dealt with the boys so we could all go to church at Munholland at 4. Grandma and Grandpa met us there. It was the family service, but it still ended with candlelight and "Silent Night," which I love.
After church, we headed downtown to our usual dinner at GW Fins. Nola, Nopsi, AD#1, Aunt Dawn, Blaire, and Cathryn were already there. I sequestered myself at the end of the table and powered through. A festive gin cocktail and wine helped, as did the good food.
Normally after dinner, the four of us make an appearance at Grandma's cousins' house party, but I just did not feel up to it this year. So we drove by the light displays we usually see on Christmas Eve and Kenny dropped me at home before going on to the party with the boys.
I was in my pjs and laying on the couch in front of A Christmas Story when they got home. We all went outside so the boys could feed the reindeer then came back in so we could open our Christmas Eve gifts. We got them into bed just after 11 and Kenny and I were up for about another hour. It was almost Christmas!
The boys were up and in our room at 6:30 the next morning. I felt like I had just gone to bed, so Kenny very sweetly told me he would hold them off for a bit longer so I could get some more rest. I got up an hour later and our Christmas officially began. The boys finally got their Nintendo Switch, which they were so happy about.
We went to Nola and Nopsi's around 10 and had breakfast and gifts with everyone there. Then it was on to Grandma's for Christmas lunch and more presents (Riley finally got Exis!). We got back home around 7 after a long but fun day.
Nopsi's family holiday gathering was held on the usual Sunday before Christmas. And since Aunt Dawn moved from Orlando to New Orleans earlier this year, her siblings made her host. It was a bit cramped in her condo by the lakefront marina, but we were all together and that's what mattered. Plus, there was no shortage of yummy food.
The next evening Nopsi and Nola picked up me, the boys, Erin, Kate, and Luke. We met Jeff and Kel-Kel for dinner at Azul (to which we will not go back) and then headed to Celebration in the Oaks in City Park. Kenny and Grandma met us there.
Two days before Christmas and the park was PACKED. There were SO many people. We had pre-purchased entry tickets as well as train tickets, but the line for the train was super long, so we moved on to the little model trains and the light displays. There were a few new things this year: Kenny and I especially liked the "proposal" area, and everyone agreed that the 12 Yats of Christmas display was awesome.
After just over an hour, Erin and Jeff decided they were done. The line for the train was even longer than it had been when we arrived, so they decided not to use their tickets. Rory really wanted to stay, though, so I stood in line for an hour while Kenny and Grandma walked around with the boys to kill some time. Then the five of us got our train ride. We collectively decided it had been worth it.
The 2019 Friday before Christmas lunch was very similar to last year: Dana and I arrived a bit late and immediately joined our group in progress at our normal table. (Perry outdid himself with the decorations; we all loved the Christmas tree forest he set up.) There were only 10 of us this year, but we managed to have just as much fun as we always do. I even bought a festive light-up jacket for the occasion!
Lunch was its usual three hours. Towards the end, Dana, Lizzie, Brian, and I were sent ahead to the Carousel Bar to see if we could score some seats. We timed it perfectly and took over a seating area after two ladies in town from Mississippi were ready to move on to their next stop. Nola was so happy she had somewhere to sit when she, Nopsi, and Kevin finally joined us. And Sherry, Sarah, Annette, Nick, Jeff and his coworkers, and a group of guys in festive suits also made appearances. It was the place to be!
After another three hours at Carousel, we walked across the street to have dinner at Mr. B's. None of us was supremely hungry, but we did recognize that we needed something to soak up everything we had had since lunch. This day is most definitely a marathon, not a sprint. But I'm always so glad to be a part of it.
The next morning, the boys and I drove out to Karen's house for our annual kids' gingerbread house party. I was dragging a little, but I made it through and we had a really nice morning all being together. I love seeing what all of them come up with for their houses; they're getting really creative!