Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Fourteen Days of Roux, Part One

Our elf is back!!!

Roux arrived back at our house when and how he always does: he parachuted in the morning after we put up our Christmas tree. The boys were so excited to discover him, and they’ve been equally excited almost every morning since then. And we get even more time with him this year since we got our tree earlier: he’ll be with us for four full weeks!

Here’s what Roux has been up to during his first two weeks back at our house.

roux 2016-1

roux 2016-2

roux 2016-3

roux 2016-4

roux 2016-5

roux 2016-6

roux 2016-7

roux 2016-8

roux 2016-9

roux 2016-10

roux 2016-11

roux 2016-12

roux 2016-13

roux 2016-14

He’s such a silly elf.


QP said... Best Blogger Tips

I love me some Roux! He's so creative!

Nola said... Best Blogger Tips

Precious. I love the bandaids.

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