Wednesday, April 10, 2013

While We Were Sick…..

As I said on Tuesday, Riley had his moments of extreme inactivity while he was sick, but for the most part he wanted to play like he normally does. He and I even had some special bonding time on Saturday morning that I’m so glad Kenny thought to capture.


He climbed up on the couch next to me and Rory and proceeded to stick his fingers in my ears.


So I did what any good mother would do: I stuck my fingers in his ears. Of course he found that hilarious, and I was so glad to hear his laughter.


We also had our first mother-son slow dance later that morning, to the classical music on Rory’s swing (which Riley is a bit obsessed with these days). So sweet.

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And of course Kenny got to spend lots of quality time with the sick boy, too. He got out two photobooks to show to Riley: his birth story and his book of firsts. Riley loved seeing himself as a baby, although he kept saying the pictures were of Rory and not Riley.

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And Rory? Well, Rory did just what he does best these days. He took a nap in his bed, he snoozed in my arms and Kenny’s, and he chilled on his daddy’s lap.



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Taking it easy on Monday proved to be a wise decision: Riley’s fever remains gone, and he is looking and acting much more like himself, even choosing to sit next to his brother for a bit to watch Mickey.


I only have one more thing to say…..

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Kenny said... Best Blogger Tips

It was nice spending the quality time together, but I sure am glad we're all feeling better!

AD#1 said... Best Blogger Tips

Glad the whole family is better now and that Rory stayed well (tough little sprout!)! Very cute Tshirt in that last shot of Riley (lol)! So glad I have this way to stay in touch with your family!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I too am so glad everyone seems to be better.. ANDF Rory is growing too fast. Seems so alert and whimsacal Hugs, Grams

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