Monday, June 18, 2012

Video Monday: I’m Baaack!

Bonjour mes amis!

I have returned from Paris with tons of memories, a few sore muscles, and a lot less tread on my shoes. Lizzie was kind enough to let me borrow her extra Fitbit, which logs the number of steps taken, miles traveled, and floors climbed each day. From the time we left on June 7 to when we returned on June 15, we took roughly 175,00 steps, walked 75 miles, and climbed 600 floors. Wow.

Bearing all of that in mind, I have not sufficiently recovered enough to even think about working up the first of what will surely be many recap posts about the trip. I believe the number of pictures taken among our three photographers was about 2500. That’s a lot to sort through.

So, in the meantime, please enjoy this video of my Riley-bean (and his daddy) from the morning after I got home. I loved going in to get him when he woke up, but his reaction was a little anti-climactic (as I expected). Nevertheless, I was supremely glad to see him. I missed my boy!

I hope to have the first Paris post up sometime this week, but I do have a little stockpile of videos to tide you over if life gets in the way too much. Fear not, my friends.

Happy Monday!

P.S. – I also have to say a huge THANK YOU to my wonderfully sweet husband for posting three times while I was away. I loved what you wrote and the pictures you included. You made being away from home easier. Love you!


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