Saturday, May 12, 2012

LP and DB: Wedding Day! {Part Two}

Why is it that time seems to move infinitely faster when you’re having fun at a wedding reception? I could have sworn I had just walked into the ballroom when the band declared they were playing their final song of the night. Oh well; such is life.

Lizzie and Doug made their grand entrance not long after the doors were opened (some newlyweds apparently take too long to join the party, although I have no idea who that could be). They stopped off in a private room to take a breath, eat a quick wedding meal, and so that the bride could change into her glittery white wedding Toms. They then took quite an impressive spin around the floor for their first dance as husband and wife. It looked like their dance practices really paid off!


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After dancing with her dad and his mom, Lizzie and Doug welcomed the rest of their guests onto the dance floor, which didn’t empty until that unfortunate last song was played. With only short breaks to sample the food and drink or to check out all of the wonderful decorations, we grooved to the sounds of the Mixed Nuts all night long and generally had one heck of a time.






Oh, and our bridesmaids dance? It wasn’t completely perfect, but we totally rocked it out to “I’m Sexy and I Know It.” And we truly did surprise Lizzie. She had no idea we had planned it, and she was so psyched when she realized what was happening!





A little later in the night, the boys all donned their luchador masks and tried to look like they had rehearsed something, too. They were cute; we were better. Sorry, boys!




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Although the night went by way too fast, that was simply the mark of a really good time. Kenny and I were so honored and thankful to be such a big part of everything, and we wish our good friends Lizzie and Doug all the best in the start of their new life together. We love you both very much.



AD#1 said... Best Blogger Tips

Looks like another great wedding, though I would have expected nothing less! Everyone looks awesome, especially the bride!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes, Another wonderful and beautiful.PC and Kenny look fabulous.Hugs,Grams

doug said... Best Blogger Tips
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doug said... Best Blogger Tips

Thanks for the update, Courtney -- you rock with your awesome picture taking skillz.

I do have to contend one point here, though. I don't think I would get argument from anyone -- not a single one of us was trying to upstage the bridesmaids in any way. I think we just wanted to wear luchador masks and be awesome. The timing of the donning of the masks with the song change in addition to the fancy footwork bridesmaids' dance earlier in the evening made everyone back away and look at us in some sort of excited anticipation. We just tried to play it off so as not to disappoint anyone.. it makes me laugh every time I think about that moment :)

We had an absolute blast and are happy y'all were there!

Jackie said... Best Blogger Tips

It was such a beautiful wedding! And talk about a happy bride & groom, the smiles from LP & DB were just electric!

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