Friday, April 13, 2018

School Days: 2nd Grade Third Nine Weeks {Riley}

Riley did very well during the third nine weeks of second grade. He brought his handwriting grade up to an A, which I was SO proud about. He unfortunately slipped down to a B in ELA and in religion, but he’ll be okay. Overall we are very happy with his grades!


In ELA, they learned about linking verbs, proper nouns, quotation marks, irregular verbs, book titles, letter punctuation, and contractions. They also did a fun leprechaun book project, which involved family members from around the world sending in postcards. QP and the ‘Woods boys each sent ones in.


In math, they learned about adding and subtracting three digit numbers and graphing. In religion, they learned about reconciliation, the keys to a good confession (the rest of his class made their First Reconciliation on March 10), the Act of Contrition, and lots on first communion.


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Riley got 6 AR points for the third quarter, exceeding his goal of 5. And he crushed all but one of his math facts quizzes. So awesome.



They celebrated the 101st day of school on January 29 and drew Ms. Cobb birthday cards for her birthday on February 1 (which was also pajama day!). Riley drew her an otter because she loves them so much. They also exchanged valentines with the rest of their class about a week later and participated in Read Across America in early March. Both boys’ classes got to dress in green on account of reading Green Eggs and Ham!







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On February 7, I surprised Riley as their class mystery reader that day. It was a Mardi Gras theme, so I borrowed Uncle Jeff’s Endymion rider costume. I read two books, Mardi Gras Bead Dog and Dinosaur Mardi Gras, and the kids got to make three of their own little bead dogs to take home. So fun!






And, in the last week of the quarter, Riley finally got Super Student. It meant he was prepared for class, behaved well, participated, and generally was on his game at school that day. So very proud of him!


They had a fun pep rally the last day of the quarter, March 16, and second grade won the spirit stick. They were all so excited.



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The older grades are in school one more week than the younger ones, but Riley only has six weeks of second grade left. Crazy.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone!


AD#1 said... Best Blogger Tips

Super Student ... WOW! That plus and A in handwriting, does it get any better than that? Such a great kid, our Riley Bean!

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