Wednesday, April 4, 2018

2018 Crescent City Classic 10K

This was my second time running the Crescent City Classic race the day before Easter. It was an absolutely glorious day, much cooler than last year. Jeff and I got out to Champions Square just before 7am, an hour before race time. We each ran into some people we knew and then parted ways to go into our respective corrals (D for Jeff and F for me) to stretch and get ready to run. Jeff was aiming to place in the Top 500 for the third year in a row. And I was just hoping the cooler weather would allow me a faster finishing time than last year.




I crossed the start about 20 minutes after the initial gun went off. It was the same course as last year, and I felt good most of the way. I did 8:2 intervals again and didn’t walk any extra at all. I slowed down when I got onto City Park Avenue, on account of little shade and increasing temperatures. But I pushed through and finished in 1:14:28 with a pace of 11:45, better than last year. I was psyched!





I walked through the finisher’s chute, grabbed a water, and got my medal. My work was over; now the real fun could begin!


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I ran into Aunt E’s brother Spo and we walked into the post-race fest together to find Jeff. He was pumped: Top 500 three years in a row! And with a better finishing time than he posted last year. We all celebrated a great race with beer, red beans, and jambalaya. I saw Lynn and my friend Adrienne again, and Jeff chatted with a bunch of people he went to high school with. It was an awesome way to spend Easter Saturday morning.


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Who knows…..maybe I’ll get Kenny and the boys to do this race with me next year!


QP said... Best Blogger Tips

Congratulations! Looked like a glorious day for the race, too. Good on both of you! Signed, proud aunt

Nola said... Best Blogger Tips

So glad you and your brother are continuing our running legacy. But HEY, we never got any cool medals in all the years we ran it. Were they just for the 40th?

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