Monday, August 29, 2016

School Update

The boys’ second week of school went much better than their first. I cannot tell y’all how happy I am to say that.

Luckily, we found ourselves in line in front of Dana almost the whole week (which may or may not have been arranged), and all four kids had such fun hanging out of their windows and talking to each other. Then Riley and Claire walked in together and Colin and Rory went into their building one right after another. Success!





Rory also brought home his first school project last week, the same one that Riley did at the beginning of his PK3 year. So very sweet; I teared up a bit when I saw it. I think I was just so relieved that he participated; the sight of his little red handprint was too much. Oh, and he knows how to spell “red!”


I also got a picture of Rory playing at recess from Ms. Lisa, and he proudly showed off his friendship bracelets that they made in class with their new friends.

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Riley has still commented that he doesn’t like school and doesn’t want to go, but he is doing well. He brought home a special note from Mrs. Smith on Wednesday, along with a pack of gummy bears. And he did great on his very first test (in religion) on Friday. So proud!


We took the boys to the SCR Back to School Bash the night of August 19. There were inflatables, snacks, snoballs, and a photo booth all set up in the gym. It was crowded and chaotic; the kids had a blast.

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Here’s hoping things continue to get easier as the school year progresses. However, I’m not holding my breath with Riley. First grade homework really bums him out.

I wonder if he’ll long for it once he’s in high school.


QP said... Best Blogger Tips

So, so glad they are settling into their school routines. Maybe you and Dana should start having after-school homework "parties" so Riley and Claire can work together! Their first study group. Sniff.

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