Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Quotable Riley-bean, Part Thirteen

April 28: You gotta keep track of it so Rory doesn’t eat it. He’s a goldfish eating fool and a broccoli eating fool.


May 15: I want Nutri-Grain bar AND pancake for breakfast. (Me: Pick one.) Well…..hmmmm….it seems like I wanna start with…..pancake because I like them cold!

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May 17: (while walking in Nola’s backyard) It’s hot on your feet, but don’t be a crybaby.


May 17: I love you, Mama! (Me: Aw, thank you, Baby; I love you too.) (QP: Well, what about me? What about QP?) No, I love Jenn even more.


May 22: (enthusiastically) Congratulations, Mama! Your dinosaur bank is FULL! (I have no idea what this means.)


June 3: Look at that orange car. (Me: Yeah, Buddy, I see it.) It’s a little thingamajinger like Nola’s except it’s orange!

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June 7: Come in the pool, Nola! *pauses* This is taking you forever! Next time I’m gonna call you Uncle Jeff!

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June 9: (after I had apparently cut his juice with too much water) I’m all done with this juice that tastes like water. I want juice that tastes like juice.


June 27: (in response to me telling him he couldn’t sleep at Nola and Nopsi’s house that night) They can handle me, Mama. I’m just one person to handle!

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June 29: I want a snack after my lunch. I just want to mention that.


June 30: What’s that sound? (Grandma: Crickets and grasshoppers.) That’s an amazing sound!


July 1: (while watching the World Cup) I want to go to Belgium. (Me: Oh yeah? How you gonna get there?) On an airplane! (Me: Who’s gonna pay for that?) Me! (Me: Where are you gonna get the money?) Disney World!


Have a wonderful Fourth of July holiday weekend, y’all!


Lizzie said... Best Blogger Tips

I laughed out loud to the "I love Jenn even more!" Poor QP!


Nola said... Best Blogger Tips

Can I tell you how much I LOVE that you are using the baskets that I used to put lunch in for you and Jeff? Priceless. And thanks for including the "I'm gonna call you Uncle Jeff. " It, too , was priceless. Sorry, Jeff; but you know it's true.

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