Rory is three months old today! He weighs in at 14.4 pounds and measures 24.25 inches long. His head is 16.4 inches around.
Here’s what I want to remember about this past month:
- He’s up to 5 ounces of formula at most feedings, but he sometimes takes an ounce more. He usually eats 6 times a day, about once every three hours. He’s definitely filling out and chunking up!
- He is still getting Zantac twice a day, although we’re not sure if it’s really doing anything.
- He is still spitting up. Some days are worse than others.
- He is sleeping pretty well at night, going down around 9 or 10pm and sleeping for 7-8 hours. (Our first 8-hour stretch was the night of May 29.) He wakes up early in the morning a lot of the time (around 4 or 5am) but will usually settle if we give him a paci. I’m hoping we can start putting him down for the night earlier, but I’m not sure he’s ready for that just yet. We are still swaddling him.
- His daytime sleep is going okay. Sometimes he naps well; sometimes he doesn’t. He obviously gets tired after being awake for a couple of hours, but he doesn’t always settle great. We’re working on it, though!
- He is losing some of his hair, which is apparently typical but didn’t happen at all with Riley. And I think his hair is getting a bit lighter in color. He has a touch of cradle cap, but it’s not nearly as bad as Riley’s was.
- He really likes to sit up. If he’s in a reclined position on our laps, he’ll scrunch up his head and upper body in an attempt to sit up. He also likes to stand up, too, and he can support his weight quite impressively.
- He is doing okay with tummy time, although I don’t do it as much as I probably should because he is still spitting up.
- He loves looking at his hands and has started sucking on them at times.
- He loves watching his big brother. He has also seemed to enjoy Mickey and the bird movie a few times.
- He can raise both of his eyebrows independently.
- He rewarded me with his first giggle while he was in the bathtub on May 23, but he hasn’t done it again since. He smiles at us all the time, though, which is so cute.
- Kenny has dubbed him “crazy fries” since the title of wonk potatoes is already taken.
Three months old!
So precious-- You and Kenny make beautiful babies. He has really filled out and he certainly has his own personality. Hugs, Grams
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