Wednesday, March 24, 2010

18 Weeks


Head to rump, your baby is approximately 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a bell pepper) and weighs almost 7 ounces. He’s busy flexing his arms and legs – movements that you’ll start noticing more and more in the weeks ahead.


I have my big ultrasound coming up next week; Kenny and I are so excited! We’re still going to be surprised about the sex of the baby, but we’re anxious to see how much he’s grown and (hopefully) make sure everything is progressing the way it should be. Fingers crossed for a healthy result!

One thing I’m having trouble with lately is sleeping. I just can’t see to get comfortable at night, and I know it’s only going to get worse! My current setup is a pillow right up against me on one side and my big stuffed tiger that I’ve had since I was 10 on the other. Even though I know it’s better for me, I can’t stay on my left side for very long, so I tend to flip flop back and forth all night. I can still lay on my stomach for short stretches, but I’m sure that won’t last very much longer.

And I did have another strange dream that I can share:

I was on my way home from giving a lecture or speech at LSU (don’t ask what about, I have no idea). I was trying to navigate my way off campus, but the “interstate” system was nothing like I had ever seen before. Many many levels, huge spans of lanes, and just general confusion. When I finally found myself on “the bridge” I relaxed a little and knew I was headed in the right direction.

Then came the checkpoint. On the very top of the highrise, cops were checking vehicles for something. When it was my turn, they didn’t wave me through like most others. Instead, an officer told me to stop, walked around to the back of my car, and looked at my plate. I could tell something wasn’t right. Then he told me to please pull over so I could be checked.

I get in this long line (somehow magically on foot now, sans car), which is full of old men as far as my eye can see. I pull out my phone to call Ken to tell him I’ll be late for dinner. The last thing I remember is telling him, “See? I told you that thing in Florida would come back to bite me!”

What the heck did I do in Florida???


Jackie said... Best Blogger Tips

Whatever it was probably with me. Let's be real, I'm your most likely to get you arrested friend. =) Miss you and your weirdo dreams!

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