Thursday, June 6, 2019

School Days: Field Day

Field Day this year didn't go quite like anyone expected or wanted it to. Rain was forecasted throughout the morning of May 10, so it was moved from Johnny Bright playground to school. Some of the grades were able to play a few games out in the front parking lot before the rain started, but most didn't get the chance. However, there were lots of inflatables set up in the gym, and that's all the kids really cared about. That and the snowballs. 

Kindergarten got to go up to the gym with their 6th grade buddies. Rory and his buddy Taryn had a great time, playing chase all over the place. She seems like a really sweet girl. After all that playing, they really enjoyed their snowballs. Then they just played in their classroom for the rest of the morning. 

Third grade unfortunately got stuck inside all morning long. They ate their snowballs in the hallway and finally got their turn on the inflatables right before dismissal. They made the most of their time though!

Not the most fun Field Day but certainly a memorable one!


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