My goddaughter Kate turns 3 today. Happy Happy Birthday, Kate! You are sassy and sweet, goofy and giving, compassionate and cheeky, bubbly and beautiful. Love my girl!
Aunt E and Uncle Jeff hosted Kate’s third birthday party at their house last weekend. Kate insisted for months that she wanted a pink princess party, so that’s what she got. Erin did such a great job with all of the decorations and the food. She even had a princess movie tie-in for everything on the menu!
Jeff set up their little bounce house in the backyard, and Erin set out foam crowns and foam shields for the kids to decorate on the back porch. Rory absolutely loved digging through all of the foam stickers but he had no interest in a crown or a shield. So he decorated himself instead! (With help from Nopsi and QP.)
There was a great turnout for the party. It was fun seeing Kate interact with her friends from school and to finally put some faces to the names she always talks about. Each time someone new came in the door (including us when we arrived), Kate was so super excited, jumping up and down, screeching, giving big hugs, and grinning from ear to ear. She was so cute.
Kate was most excited about her party’s special guest, who arrived in her coach around noon. Cinderella!
The boys in attendance looked on with mild interest, but the girls were shyly fascinated with the real princess in their midst. Cinderella made sure to spend time with the birthday girl first, but all of the little girls got their picture taken with her. And then they took an adorable group shot.
Aunt E, Uncle Jeff, and Kate also took a family picture with Cinderella, and then Aunt E tried to get Rory to meet the princess. He was hovering in the background, slowly getting closer and closer, but he turned shy when Erin presented him to her. Sweetness.
Cinderella then led Kate over to her cake so everyone could sing “Happy Birthday” to her. Kate blew out the candles, everyone clapped, and then Cinderella made an important declaration: Kate was named an honorary princess for the day and was presented with a certificate kissed and signed by Cinderella herself. So cute.
After a bit of dancing with the girls, Cinderella was called back to her castle. She disappeared in a swish of her skirts, with her faithful servant following behind her. When he walked by Nopsi, who was sitting on the stairs by me and Rory, Nopsi said to him, “Have fun storming the castle!” To which he replied, “It would take a miracle. Bye!” AWESOME.
Rory chowed down on the cake while Riley loved the Frozen ice cream bar. Aunt E was quite generous with what she put in his bowl, although he ended up only eating half of it.
The party broke up a little while later, but we stayed to see Kate open her presents. The boys were of course front and center, ready to “help” whenever needed. And Riley insisted on Kate opening our gift first.
We gave the birthday girl two dresses and a set of Frozen sheets. Kate got lots of other great princess-y gifts, including a Frozen jewelry set. My only question is, who do you think wore it better???
Happy Birthday, Kate Kellye.
You are certainly the cutest three-year-old I know. Love you!