My friend Amanda, whom I got to know when we were both bridesmaids in Lizzie’s wedding, got married this past weekend in Texas. Kenny and I were honored to be invited, and we really looked forward to a night away just the two of us. Nola and Nopsi agreed to keep the boys overnight while we were off celebrating the new marriage.
Except we almost didn’t make it. Rory got really sick overnight on Friday, so Kenny and I resigned ourselves to the fact that we would have to stay home. However, Rory woke up on Saturday morning acting pretty normal, aside from being overtired. Nola and Nopsi said not to cancel our plans, so we dropped the boys off around 10am and got on the road.
We stopped at Buffalo Wild Wings in Lake Charles for lunch, saw really cool clouds on the drive, and pulled up to South Shore Harbor Resort just after 4pm.

The ceremony took place at 6pm 6:15pm at Gloria Dei Lutheran Church. Amanda looked beautiful, the pastor was hysterical, and everyone was filled with much joy.

The reception followed back at the resort in the Crystal Ballroom. The room was huge, and everything looked so pretty. The band was great, the food was tasty, and the cake was amazing. I loved the topper!

Despite the fun atmosphere, Kenny and I actually left the reception a bit early. We were both exhausted from being up with Rory the night before, and we needed to sleep. Especially since it turned out he was still not feeling the greatest when we got home. Nola said it was obvious his tummy was really bothering him (read: lots and lots of diaper changes), so he must have picked up some kind of bug. He didn’t really eat much all weekend, although understandably so.
However, Aunt E and Uncle Jeff picked up smoothies for the boys on Saturday afternoon when they all met up at a playground, and Rory sucked his down. So I ended up going out to get two more for the boys’ dinner on Sunday, along with Pedialyte, a probiotic, oatmeal bath packets, and a stronger diaper cream. My poor sweet boy.

So while it wasn’t the ideal situation for a weekend away, Kenny and I did have a wonderful time in Texas. We had a quiet day at home on Monday, and things finally started to return to normal on Tuesday. Fingers crossed that whatever this was has vacated the premises.
Never a dull moment with these two boys around.
Thank you, Nola and Nopsi, for watching them while we were gone. And many heartfelt congratulations to the newly married couple. We are so happy for you two!