Monday, September 6, 2010

Coming Home

Wednesday morning dawned bright and beautiful, and my doctor dropped by for a visit very early. She gave me my discharge instructions and basically told me I was good to go as soon as Riley was cleared. Fantastic!

However, Riley wasn’t ready to leave until the afternoon (his doctor was delayed in doing his circumcision), so Kenny and I had to hang around the hospital until then. But soon we had him all dressed in his going-home outfit and were making our way downstairs to the car. We strapped him into his carseat for the first time and off we went!


We arrived home to a few surprises: balloons on the mailbox and the front porch, a sign on the door (thanks, Jeff and Becky!), and a big “Welcome Home, Riley!” banner strung across the front of the house (thanks, Mom and Dad S!). The flowers we received at the hospital were also placed around the house, and we had clean sheets and towels all ready for us. Perfect!

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Our first night at home with him was not the best, but it’s to be expected, right? No one really prepares you for that first night, especially since you’ve gotten fairly used to the routine that developed in the hospital. Want to get some sleep? Just have someone from the nursery come collect him, and it’s lights out for mom and dad! Not so once you’re home. But we got through it, and I’m sure it will get easier with each passing day. One thing’s for sure: he is so stinkin’ cute, even when he’s crying.



Jackie said... Best Blogger Tips

Awwww! He does look like you! I love that first picture of you and him, he looks like he's smiling! So so precious!

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