Friday, February 7, 2014

The Quotable Riley-bean: Part Eleven

October 26: (while out at Oktoberfest) Daddy, I’ll make you a deal. We either go get a pretzel now or we go home.


December 5: I don’t have homework! *pauses* Yes I do! I have to play with trucks so so hard!

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December 6: I must be old. (Me: Why?) Because I’m sick! Because I make crazy sounds!


January 2: (Me: Who’s that?) Grandma! *pauses* I didn’t expect to see you here!


January 2: (while I was taking Christmas decorations down) You’re not supposed to stand on that ladder. (Me: Why not?) Because you’re a girl.

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January 3: I can’t get that train. Oh dammit God! (Super.)

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January 5: (while looking at a neighbor’s Christmas lights) What the heck? Only one column is lit! What the heck?


January 7: (Grandma: What did you do in school today, Riley?) I suspect I don’t remember.


January 18: Rory’s life is yucky. (Me: Why is Rory’s life yucky, Buddy?) Because he has spit-up.


January 20: (while on I-10 passing the Crystal Preserves sign) That’s the baby Jesus sign! *pauses* With a chef on it!


January 21: (while stopped at the ATM) Daddy puts the monies in and Mama takes them out! (Awesome.)


January 28: (after coming in having spent less than 5 minutes outside on Sneaux Day) (Me: Were you just cold or were you a little bit scared?) I was a little bit scared. I was farting. The snow might blow into my eyes. (Me: That doesn’t make any sense.) Yes it does. Mama, yes it does!


Oh my Riley-bean. You never stop making me smile.


Nola said... Best Blogger Tips

Always my favorite post. I am practically falling off my chair, laughing at some of his remarks. Thanks for chronicling these priceless words, Courtney.

QP said... Best Blogger Tips

Priceless, indeed. Such a smart, crazy kid,

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

Yes, It is amazing what Riley says- I love it. Hugs, Grams

Jackie said... Best Blogger Tips

Snow has the same effect on me...

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