Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Saving Grace

If there was one saving grace during this quarantine, it was without question the weather. We were blessed with unbelievably nice weather throughout most of spring. That allowed us to escape the confines of our houses, go outside, and enjoy the sunshine and the breeze that seemed constant. There were SO many people out, at all times of day, moving their bodies and soaking in the fresh air. We all needed it, and we were all grateful to be able to do it.

In addition to lots of walks and bike rides, the boys and I took many trips to the levee, and we even needed jackets a few times. In April! Sometimes we walked; sometimes we biked. We brought snacks and drinks. We also brought trucks to roll down the steep concrete ramps across from the casino. They created a game out of it and had such fun. I cherished these mornings with them.

They also braved the pool more than they normally would have (along with Kate and Luke), although Nopsi did heat up the hot tub most of the times they got in. The big pool was quite chilly.

And they made up a new outside game involving their daddy, the swings, and the big blue ball. Great fun.

As for me, I found my own way to enjoy the outdoors while bringing some sense of peace to my mind. Two words: sidewalk chalk. I invested in a huge box from Sam's towards the end of March, debating the merits of the purchase the whole time. But it was totally worth the $15. The boys joined in on the creative expression, but it was mostly me in my own little world.

I started out drawing four animals (a giraffe, a tiger, a wolf, and a snake), two favorites for each of the boys. Rory drew a rainbow snake, a tiger, and a few things from Minecraft. Riley also drew a snake, some Minecraft things, and an interesting spiral creation; he ended up extending his drawings halfway down the block. They also collaborated to create a trail of footprints that changed from muddy to wet to "dipped in toxic slime." Then I added clouds and a sun and some birds. Then a hedgehog. Then Riley drew a unicorn fighting off a dragon. Then all three of us drew castles. We had a lot of fun adding things to our driveway canvas over the course of a few days.

Those masterpieces were eventually washed away by rain, but I didn't stop there. I had more ideas in mind. I was back at it again at the end of April, drawing a spirograph inspired design and some flowers based on pictures I had found online. It took me three hours to complete.

Then unexpected rain came, about an hour after I finished. Kenny very sweetly covered my chalk art with a tarp, a wooden board, and some rocks, and we crossed our fingers it would be enough to preserve it. The engineer's fix worked pretty well, and I was back out again the next day (the boys too, for a bit), this time adding something of my own creation, an ode to Jazz Fest, which was of course cancelled this year.

Rain came again a couple of days later, but I spied a few people, who were out for evening strolls, stop and notice my tribute to the music before it was gone forever.

I'm so glad I bought that chalk. It's amazing what a little color can do for the soul.


AD#1 said... Best Blogger Tips

You definitely inherited your father's artistic gift, C ... gorgeous art!

Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

So much talent in you Courtney! Lynne

QP said... Best Blogger Tips

I'm so glad you found a way to create, and find peace of mind at the same time. So important, especially now. proud of you, my PC.

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