Friday, January 12, 2018

Video Friday: Battle of the Boss Monster

Remember how Riley dressed as the Boss Monster from the Notebook of Doom series for Halloween? Even though no one knew what the Boss Monster looked like because the latest book didn’t come out until December 26? And then remember how I sent the author, Troy, a picture of Riley in his costume and he wrote back, completely making Riley’s day?



Well Troy unexpectedly wrote me again, while Kenny and I were in Vegas for our anniversary, saying that he wanted to send an early copy of Book 13 to Riley on account of his awesome costume and could he have our address please? Um, yes, Troy. Yes, you can most certainly have our address.


The book finally arrived on December 15, and I couldn't wait to surprise Riley with it. (It's all he kept saying he wanted for Christmas!) I gave the surprise package to him once we got home from school that Friday. As soon as he realized who it was from, he knew just what it was. He was so ecstatic and could hardly wait to start reading it. Included was also a personalized inscription from Troy on the inside cover. I hope Riley knows just how special that is.






Five days later, he came home from school and immediately sat down on the couch with his book and read the last two chapters all by himself. I was so proud.

IMG_4145 IMG_4146

So thank you, Troy Cummings, so very much for making my son's holiday. Christmas certainly came early for him.

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!


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