Saturday, June 20, 2009

Baby Bunnies in the Backyard!

Kenny was cutting the grass in our backyard today and suddenly noticed a puff of fur fly up from underneath the lawnmower on one of his passes. Upon further investigation, he came inside to get me so I could see what he discovered. We have a very small hill in one little area in our backyard, and the adult rabbits we see very frequently back there made good use of it recently. They dug a little hole into the hill and packed at least two baby bunnies into it and covered them with lots of soft fur stuffing, which is what flew up into Ken's face. No worries; the bunnies were unharmed by the lawnmower. Here are some pics of the little guys....I didn't want to touch them for fear that the adults would abandon them, so the pics aren't too great. They're really small and cute, though!


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