Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The Three Musketeers

Kenny and I left with Lizzie and Doug late Monday afternoon, while Riley was napping, to drive to Colorado. From then on, until Sunday around lunchtime, Riley was all Nola’s and Nopsi’s.

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Judging by the pictures and emails I received during the week, those two ran that child ragged just about every day (and apparently let him eat breakfast on the counter). I have no doubt that he loved every second of his time with them.

Riley helped Nola and Nopsi with gardening and also found some time to play with the bubbles in the hot tub.

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Nopsi and Riley took multiple trips to different playgrounds, which Riley just loves. That kid would probably live outside if I let him!

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And the McFs were in town most of the week, so they (and QP and UJ) spent a lot of time at the house with Riley, who is still asking where Eli, Rita, Jenn, and Popo are. Too cute.

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UJ also captured some really great shots of my boy, which he sent in an email mid-way through the week. Seeing Riley-bean’s sweet face gave all of us (sorry, Aunt E!) the energy to ski our little hearts out on our last day, so thanks for that, UJ!


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Riley obviously had a great week, but Kenny’s and mine wasn’t too shabby either. It’s someone’s {birthday} tomorrow, but the recap of our ski trip should be up on Friday!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Video Tuesday: While We Were Gone…..

Nopsi luckily thought to record a couple of Riley moments while Kenny and I were off skiing, so we have him to thank for this week’s video {montage}.

Check out the funny, strained faces Riley makes while trying to smash veggie sticks into his tray, and then sit back and giggle at his antics while out to eat for Eli’s birthday last Thursday.

He didn’t have any fun while Mama and Daddy were away.

Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 27, 2012

Krewe of Thoth

My apologies for not posting anything last week. Kenny and I, along with 8 of our friends, were on a fabulous ski vacation in Colorado from Monday to Sunday. We had a fantastic time, and Riley was well-looked after by Nola and Nopsi while we were gone. A recap of our trip, as well as details on Riley’s adventures, will be coming up a little later this week!

Kenny and I took Riley-bean out to another parade the Sunday before Mardi Gras. Our friend Scott rides in Thoth, which also happens to pass very close to his house, so we met up with some friends and family a couple of hours before the parade rolled and enjoyed the day.

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Riley was completely enamored with Elisabeth (a.k.a. Eli McF, in town from North Carolina for a week); it was so cute to watch their interaction! He totally flirted with her all afternoon.


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Although it was a nice day and good to spend time with everyone, we decided to leave early on account of having to get home to pack for our trip. However, we got stuck in gridlock traffic for THREE HOURS. Not fun, not fun at all. We eventually made it home, fed the boy, and managed to get all of our packing done before 10pm.


Friday, February 17, 2012

Eight Beans

1. Sleepy Bean


2. Preppy Bean


3. Squished Bean


4. Scarved Bean


5. Sittin’ Bean


6. Rockin’ Bean


7. Valentine Bean

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8. Ridin’ Bean

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So, which one is your favorite?

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