Thursday, December 27, 2018

School Days: K and 3rd Grade Christmas Parties

The last day of school before Christmas break is always nuts, but it’s always fun too. I dropped the boys off in the morning and then ran around getting last minute things for their Christmas parties before heading back to school. Kristin and I decided to set up for Allison’s class’s party while they were at mass, and then we joined them in the church for the Christmas play.


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Riley found us after the play was over, and we all went to Rory’s classroom first. The kids enjoyed cookies, donuts, and fruit and played a few games. Rory unfortunately did not win any of the rounds of bingo, but he tied with Anneliese in the “guess how many M&Ms are in this cup” game. There were 388 in the cup, and they both guessed 390!

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He also came in second place to Brennan in the hot potato game. He cried when he didn’t win bingo and cried even more when he lost to Brennan. Nothing anyone did consoled him, until Brennan said Rory could have the hot potato prize, the stuffed penguin they were passing around during the game. Rory then gave Brennan his guessing game prize. So very sweet.


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Oh, and Mrs. Allison made a fun announcement. Their class elf Ollie was sitting on the shelf under the board holding a baby. That was her way of sharing that she’s pregnant with her second child! She’s due in mid-June, so she reassured us that the kids would have her all year long. So fun.

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The party went very well; Kristin and I were happy with the way everything turned out. I love that both of my boys had Allison and Ceci for their kindergarten years. Love those ladies!




Once we were finally done in Rory’s room, we walked over to Riley’s. He gave his two teachers their gifts and showed Rory and me their class elf, Peppermint. Then we headed home for two weeks off!

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Rib Room Christmas lunch recap coming up next!


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