Monday, April 13, 2009

Good Friday Dinner in Houston

Kenny and I decided to drive over to Houston for Easter weekend, and we arrived around dinner time on Friday. Mom and Dad had planned to make homemade pizzas, and Adam and Erin were coming over to join the party. Dad was the chef for the night and concocted 4 delicious pies: we had chicken-apple sausage, taco, veggie, and chicken pizzas to choose from. I had all but the veggie, and as always each was yum. Adam and Erin brought Ashton with them, and we all enjoyed watching how much energy he has. He loved running back and forth from the kitchen to the den and seeking out the kitties. Such a cute child. While he ran and played, the rest of us sat around the table chatting and catching up. I'm so glad our friends had a free night to hang with Kenny and me and my parents!

Cutie-patootie Ashton

Dad's interesting way to slice the pizza: with scissors!

Pizza's ready!

Someone's ready for bed.....

It was a GOOD Friday!


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