Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Ten Things

1. Nola and Nopsi were quite the social{ly distant} butterflies during the quarantine. They hosted a lot of fun gatherings in their side yard with their friends!

2. Post-Field Day boys, all smiles. However, about 20 minutes later, Riley crashed his bike on our way home and fell really hard. He hurt his elbow pretty badly but toughed it out and rode all the way home.

3. The military did lots of tribute flyovers during the quarantine, all over the country. I love the shot of the planes over Tiger Stadium. And the boys and I drove out to the lakefront on May 6 to see the Blue Angels fly in from over the lake. So cool.

4. Helping Daddy make pancakes, an unexpectedly and randomly sick wonk potatoes (he threw up once and then was good), and Star Wars chalk art on the path behind our house.

5. Modeling a new fundraiser shirt in support of Reginelli's and a local counseling group. There is HOPE.

6. May 7, 2020 marked fifteen years since I graduated from UNCW and received my master's degree. Seems like forever ago.

7. Get well cards for Luke after his tonsil-removal surgery and two super yummy take-out dinners from Rosedale.

8. Realizing how amazing healthcare workers are for wearing masks throughout their whole shift. I wanted to rip mine off after being in the grocery for only 20 minutes.

9. Attempting the Diet Coke and Mentos experiment (it did not work all that well), happy hour with the girls, and Maddie's drive-by birthday parade.

10. Kenny smoking ribs, Nopsi working hard on a new look for the front of their house (it looks amazing!), tent bed in Riley's room, and a sweet treat for good grades.


Anonymous said... Best Blogger Tips

I haven't been on here in foreeeeevvveeerr but had to let you know I stopped by :) I love your HOPE shirt and of course I still miss you since graduation! Love you friend! ~Jackie

QP said... Best Blogger Tips

OK, I want some of those ribs. And that pic of Riley crying made ME cry. Jeez, I miss your family!

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