Monday, November 2, 2015

Ten Things

1. Before and after a much-needed haircut and the wonk potatoes being silly one night before bed.

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2. My skeleton boys! I recreated a picture from two years ago and discovered that they’re both SO. BIG.


tbt-skeleton boys

3. A house is being built one street over from us, and Rory loved walking over to watch the pile driver at work one day.


4. Where’s Rory?


There he is!


5. Kenny spotted a butterfly cocoon on the rosebush in our backyard, so he brought it inside to show the kids. It’s been hanging out on our kitchen counter for a couple of weeks, and I fear that it will never hatch. But it’s been pretty to look at!



6. Nola and I had dinner at Vega Tapas with Kirk and his beau Justin a couple of weeks ago. Such a fun night!

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7. Making hats out of packing material = a fun afternoon for my two boys.


8. After conquering the AT-AT and a few other smaller builds, Riley and I finally tackled the Imperial star destroyer that Nola and Nopsi gave him for his birthday. Giraffey helped too.



Rory got involved a bit as well, but then I spied him on top of Riley’s anywhere chair watching our digital frame scroll through its pictures. He stayed there for a good 10 minutes! Too funny.

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Sometimes building is tiring. Especially after a long day of school.


But we got it all finished in about a week. It really is so cool and even has a built-in carrying handle. Riley is so proud of it! And I finally have my dining room table back to normal.


9. Rory has been really whiny lately, breaking down for seemingly no reason at all. If we’re in the car, there’s not usually much I can do, aside from reaching back and holding his hand. He instantly calms down when I do that. So sweet, even if it is awkward for me!


10. Erin and I attended our second Saenger performance last Thursday night: Cinderella! It was such a cute and funny show, and the sets were so impressive. We both really enjoyed it.





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