Thursday, June 13, 2019

School Days: Third Grade Play {Riley}

As part of their fourth quarter in ELA, the third graders studied elements of a drama/play. They got extra credit for attending a live performance somewhere around the city, and they also starred in a play themselves at school. For the past few years, third grade has ended their year with a special rendition of The Wizard of Oz

They all had parts, most with lines, some with singing. The main characters (Dorothy, Scarecrow, Tin Man, Lion) were split into multiple parts so more than one person could have that role. Riley's first and second choices were Toto and a flying monkey, but he was cast as one of the apple trees. Claire was a scarecrow, Ansleigh was Toto, Charlotte was the Wicked Witch, and Finn was the other tree.

Riley had three lines and was onstage for only a few minutes, but he got to throw apples at one of the scarecrows (Cole, not Claire). He did a great job. They all did!

After the play was over (it lasted about an hour), the actors took their final bows, had cake, and then got to go home. Such a fun way to wrap up third grade.

End of year recaps coming up next!


QP said... Best Blogger Tips

Why, he's the best darn apple tree I've ever seen.

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