Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Thoth {Mardi Gras 2013}

The weather has not been kind to parade-goers this year: it’s been warm, it’s been cool, it’s been windy, it’s been rainy. It’s been especially rainy here yesterday and today, and that does not mix well with Mardi Gras. The diehards are still out there, I’m sure, but we opted to stay inside our warm and dry house today and celebrate in spirit.


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We did luck out on Sunday, though. Despite a nasty-looking radar picture, we decided to chance heading out to Thoth to see Scott. Uncle Jeff and Aunt E brought Kate out, and Ashley and Grant were there too, along with lots of Scott’s family.




We also upheld a Mardi Gras tradition and picked up Popeyes for lunch. Both Kenny and I remember our families doing this during Mardi Gras when we were younger, but I hadn’t had Popeyes in a really long time. My goodness was it yummy.


Even Baby Kate was eyeing the delicious fried chicken. Next year, sweetheart; next year.


I am so glad we went and that the weather held since Thoth ended up being Riley’s last parade of the season. It was pretty humid out on the route, but we barely felt any rain at all and had a great time.





Unfortunately, we had to sit through a fairly long delay towards the beginning of the parade, so when Scott’s float finally got to us, it was moving pretty fast to make up some time. But I did snap a quick pic of “The King” handing off a bag of goodies to his brother. Hope you had a fun ride, Scotty!


And of course Riley loved seeing the fire truck at the very end of the parade……possibly even more than the floats!


When we got back home after a long day with no nap (for Riley or for me), all the boy wanted to do was check out everything he got. We brought the wagon, and it was mighty full by the end of the parade with lots of beads, stuffed animals, and balls. Ken threw everything except the beads into the kitchen and Riley entertained himself the rest of the afternoon with his new toys.


I am proud of myself for getting through this Carnival season relatively unscathed. The activity did wear me out at times, but it was so worth it to see how happy my boy was. He had so much fun, and I’m so glad Kenny and I (and the city of New Orleans) could give him that.

It sure will be interesting next year with two little boys out on the parade routes…..

Happy Mardi Gras, y’all!


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