Monday, June 4, 2012

Video Monday: Amazing (Plus More!)

While eating his dinner one night last week, Riley suddenly started using the word “amazing.” I’m not sure he had ever said it before, so I was pretty impressed when he randomly began throwing it around. Our conversation about who he thought was amazing was priceless, so I decided to recreate it after he had finished his dinner.

Then we ran through his list of what certain people say, just to make sure I captured it on video for nostalgia reasons. We’ve taught him specific phrases that we associate with four different people in his life, who, interestingly enough, are all male. Not sure why a female hasn’t made the list yet. I may have to remedy that sometime soon.

For instance, he knows that Uncle Jeff says the first line from one of his favorite YouTube videos (“okay so”); Uncle Dean says “and today” in the style of a Baptist preacher (This dates back to when Jeff and Erin asked him to read in their wedding and he jokingly threatened to perform his assigned reading in that style.); Uncle Doug says “nipples,” in honor of a really fun time at Ole Miss for an away LSU football game; and Cub says “fried apples,” because he apparently likes fried apples.

I can’t tell you enough how much I love this video. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

Happy Monday!


QP said... Best Blogger Tips

What a kid. Riley amazing!

Uncle Jeff said... Best Blogger Tips

You need to get him to say that I'm awesome. Amazing is one thing, but awesome is awesome.

And yea...that video didn't suck. Too cute.

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