Riley is usually a happy boy when his daddy gets home in the evenings.
(And his momma is a happy girl!)
If he gets home early enough, Kenny takes Riley off my hands for a few minutes while I get his dinner ready.
This particular day, Riley was fascinated by the stripes on Kenny’s shirt.
A quick time out for a family picture! (This doesn’t happen every night.)
Then it’s time to feed Riley his dinner. Veggies and rice cereal…..yum!

Riley now has a full belly, and he’s squeaky clean after his bath. Time to get in some jammies, read a book, have one last bottle, and go to bed!
Once he’s in his crib for the night, Kenny and I switch gears. We throw together something for our dinner and usually relax on the sofa for some quality couple time for a few hours. And it’s sad but true: we’re in bed before 10pm most nights.
Then we do it all over again the next night!
This has been a glimpse into a typical evening in our house. Thank you for your attention!