Monday, February 28, 2011

Video Monday: Play Time

Riley is getting so good at reaching for his different toys when we play on the living room floor in the afternoons (and he has a plethora to choose from, as you will see). Of course he puts everything in his mouth right after his little hands grab hold (he’s still drooling like a fiend). And I think he’s getting pretty darn close to sitting up by himself. Here’s proof!

Happy Monday!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


I read a lot of these books a long time ago, so I can’t remember details about many of them. I do know that numbers 3 and 4 were quite entertaining at the time. And I liked Drew’s book, although Sean’s was better. Number 9 was fantastic, and number 11 was a very interesting, non-fiction look at a different side of New Orleans between the 1920s and 1960s: the prostitution business. And I’m just starting number 12, but I’m already enjoying it!

  1. The Devil’s Company (D. Liss)
  2. The Lost Symbol (D. Brown)
  3. Baby Laughs (J. McCarthy)
  4. Sippy Cups Are Not for Chardonnay (S. Wilder-Taylor)
  5. Coming Back Stronger (D. Brees)
  6. The Blue Orchard (J. Taylor)
  7. The Paris Vendetta (S. Berry)
  8. The Six Sacred Stones (M. Reilly)
  9. The Soul of a Lion (B. Bennett)
  10. Pirate Latitudes (M. Crichton)
  11. The Last Madam (C. Wiltz)
  12. Roses (L. Meacham)

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Question and Answer




Could I?


Could I be any cuter?

No, son. I don’t think you could. I’m fairly certain it’s not possible.

You have already far exceeded the maximum amount of cuteness any one person should possess.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Evening Glimpse


Riley is usually a happy boy when his daddy gets home in the evenings.

(And his momma is a happy girl!)


If he gets home early enough, Kenny takes Riley off my hands for a few minutes while I get his dinner ready.

This particular day, Riley was fascinated by the stripes on Kenny’s shirt.


A quick time out for a family picture! (This doesn’t happen every night.)

Then it’s time to feed Riley his dinner. Veggies and rice cereal…..yum!


Riley now has a full belly, and he’s squeaky clean after his bath. Time to get in some jammies, read a book, have one last bottle, and go to bed!

Once he’s in his crib for the night, Kenny and I switch gears. We throw together something for our dinner and usually relax on the sofa for some quality couple time for a few hours. And it’s sad but true: we’re in bed before 10pm most nights.

Then we do it all over again the next night!

This has been a glimpse into a typical evening in our house. Thank you for your attention!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cuteness Number Five

IMG_8542  Drumming with Daddy….kind of

IMG_8708  Hi there, Mr. Blue Eyes

IMG_8788  Happy Valentine’s Day!

IMG_8804Loving looking in mirrors!

IMG_8824 Breaking the rules….again

IMG_8844Mornings with Mom

IMG_8952    ‘Sup?

IMG_9011    I like to chew on my bibs…..

IMG_9010  …..and also tree branches

IMG_9001  Napping with a new friend

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Diaper Change Distraction

Riley received a cute little plush alligator rattle for Christmas, and I pulled it out recently when he was getting restless on the changing table. He no longer just lays there looking cute; he’s too interested in the fan, the wall, the light, etc. So I started giving him the gator to hold onto and play with while I change his diaper.

When I hold it up and shake it before handing it to him, his face breaks out in a huge grin and he waves his arms around frantically, reaching for it. That little gator is making the diaper changing process much easier these days!


IMG_8946 IMG_8947


Monday, February 21, 2011

Video Monday: Squash!

Kenny took a video the first time we gave Riley baby food, and its Monday premiere has finally arrived.

(Warning: it’s a bit long, but the facial expressions dispersed throughout are worth it.)


Sunday, February 20, 2011


Nola recently found a onesie at Walmart that she just had to get for Riley-bean. It’s so perfect for him, and I’m so glad she bought it!





That first picture is my favorite: I love how the only thing in focus is the caterpillar and the word “squirmy” because he just couldn’t sit still!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Wonky Hair

So, on second thought, perhaps we didn’t solve the problem of Riley’s crazy, wonky, ridiculous hair.

Here he is on two separate occasions, hair sticking up and refusing to be tamed. It looked particularly funny the first day; the second wasn’t quite as bad. Regardless of the state of his hair, though, he’s still one happy boy!




My apologies for the quality of these pictures; it’s becoming more of a challenge to photograph my increasingly squirmy little man!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Can I Have That Too?


A couple of weeks ago Riley got a hold of Kenny’s cell phone.


Not surprisingly, he immediately put it in his mouth.


And since his dad is such a softie (unlike me), he didn’t stop Riley from doing so.


Mmmmm….phone taste good.

I think the remote control for the TV may be next on his list.

He’s been eyeing it for quite some time now.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

On the Road Again

Kenny’s shoulder/back/neck was not getting better after his first visit to his orthopedist (and the subsequent round of meds he was prescribed), so he scheduled another appointment for Monday. His doc wanted him to get a MRI scan beforehand, so he had that done here on Thursday. Then we loaded up the car for the second weekend in a row and the three of us headed back to the Big Easy.


The good part about going in again was that I got to join the girls for Becky’s baby shower on Saturday afternoon, and Kenny and I both got to hang with lots of our friends for a group birthday bash at the Bulldog. Then on Sunday Riley and I wandered around the French Quarter with four crazy women on an absolutely glorious day. All three were really fun events that we previously thought we were going to miss out on, so the trip was definitely worth it!


IMG_8865 IMG_8869 


Kenny actually forgot to bring his MRI scans in with him (oops!), but he went to his appointment without them. His doc was emailed the report from the imaging center, and that was apparently sufficient, along with another round of X-rays.

The diagnosis? Tendonitis. Kenny was given a shot to see if it would cure the problem, but it unfortunately didn’t work. So, he’s on a different prescription. He’s supposed to call his doc after 10 days to let him know how he’s doing. All of our fingers are crossed that this works!



We drove back home on Monday afternoon. I fed Riley his dinner and then Kenny took over with him so I could make our Valentine’s dinner. I made this pasta dish with asparagus and French bread. And as a special treat, Kenny had started crème brulee for dessert earlier in the evening, and we had that after dinner while we watched our wedding video. It was a wonderful Valentine’s night!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Not This Year

Colorado is calling me. Breckenridge is beckoning me. The Upper Layman ski run is yearning for me.

Unfortunately I won’t be seeing Upper Layman or Breckenridge or Colorado this year.


I won’t see this.


Or this.


Or even this.


I won’t get to do this.


Or this.


Or even this.


But it’s because of this.


And this.


And this.


And he’s so worth it.

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