Sunday, December 13, 2009

North Carolina

I love North Carolina in the late fall/early winter. There’s very little humidity, opposite from what Louisiana boasts year-round. Instead the air is crisp and cold with just a bit of a bite to it, on account of the really cold temps not due to arrive for a few more weeks.

Of course I did not appreciate this true fall and winter while I was living there for three years. All I wanted was to go back to the humidity laden thickness of the Big Easy so I could see Kenny and my family. Hindsight really is 20-20.

I have been able to go back to visit a few times since I left the state, and I returned from my latest trip last Sunday. I was there for four nights and saw good friends in Chapel Hill and in Wilmington.

My younger adopted Chapel Hill sister, Elisabeth, had unfortunately contracted a bad cold a couple of days before I arrived, and right at the end of her sophomore fall semester of high school. Rotten, rotten luck. She’s doing much better now, but it was a hard week for her, being out of school but having no less work to complete before the Christmas holidays. My youngest adopted Chapel Hill sister, Margaret, had no such hindrance as being sick and was in rare form most of my visit. Highly entertaining.

IMG_0869 The sisters hard at work

Meanwhile, I enjoyed the company of their two cats whenever I sat still in one place long enough. There is nothing like a soft and cuddly kitty on your lap on a cold night! Too bad Kenny is allergic.

IMG_0871 Me and Callie

While Elisabeth alternated between coughing and studying, Jennifer, Margaret, and I did a lot of baking. Between cookie swaps at M’s school, parties Jenn was throwing in the coming days, and wanting fun desserts after dinner a couple of nights, we stayed busy in the kitchen. After all was said and done, we had thrown together a chocolate mud pie, a batch of ying-yang cookies, a chocolate mousse, and a batch of cheese petit-fours. Delish.

IMG_0878IMG_0902 IMG_0916IMG_0917

I did also manage a side trip to Wilmington to see my very good friend Jackie. I had lunch with Joanne, my old thesis advisor, right when I got into town, and then I headed to the radio station where Jackie is one of the morning show personalities to rescue her from work. When she was finally able to escape, we drove around town, shopped a bit, and laughed a lot. It was too short of a visit, but I’m very glad I got to see her. Love those underarms, Jack!


My last night was spent back in Chapel Hill. Michael stayed home with Elisabeth to help her study while Jenn, Margaret, and I went to Brixx, one of my favorite CH restaurants, for dinner. It also happened to be a night that two Blue Moon reps were there pushing their beer, and that worked out just fine for us. Jenn and I each got a free pint, and she even scored a t-shirt. Michael was very jealous when we got home. 


As always, it was a great trip that provided me with many good memories. Thank you for everything, my adopted family and Jackie! Until next time. :)


Jackie said... Best Blogger Tips

I miss you!!! I want you back...don't I get a vote on where you reside???

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