Friday, October 11, 2019

SCR City Park Night

Oh, City Park Night. How I both love and despise you.

We first met up with friends for a picnic dinner near a playground by the entrance to Carousel Gardens. We figured we needed substantial sustenance before going in and getting our cardio in for the day by chasing after our children for three hours straight.

Once inside the amusement area, we didn't stop. I mostly stayed with Rory, who ran from the Ladybug to the funhouse to the slide to Storyland to the carousel to the train to the Ladybug to the funhouse to the slide to the airplanes. And more. He and his friend Kyle hung out a lot; Kyle was student of the week and brought the class pet, Goldie, with him to join the fun.

Riley ran off with his friends; we didn't see him for much of the night. Kinda nice that he's old enough to be able to do that! We did tell him to inform a familiar adult whenever he was moving on to something else, which he did, some of the time. And I did manage to sneak one ride on the Musical Express with him right before we left.

It was a fun night but man is it tiring. And hot! What are the chances we can do this event in December next year??


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