The second installment of our summer days starts with May 30. We went to Sky Zone with a big group of friends. We were supposed to go to the Cool Zoo but the weather was really bad so we had to reschedule that and find something else to do. Jumping it was!
The boys did Vacation Bible School at SCR the week of June 5. They each knew one other person from their class, Emma for Rory and Blake for Riley. Riley didn’t like it as much as last year (they changed the format a bit), but I think they had a good week. And I had five free mornings! Win win.
The week after we got back from our annual family beach vacation, we had Dana, Claire, and Colin and Heidi, Brennan, and Maddie over to swim at Nola’s and Nopsi’s. They stayed still long enough for me to snap this picture of them and then they were non-stop all afternoon!
Later that same week, the boys and I took a field trip downtown to the Insectarium. Tropical Storm Cindy was passing near us that day, so the winds were intense. But we had a really great time looking at all of the critters; neither of the boys had been in a long time and both really seemed to enjoy it. We even left with two new friends: a stuffed scorpion (Scorp) for Riley and a stuffed spider (LSU Spidey) for Rory.
Then on the last day of June we went back to Carousel Gardens in City Park with QP for a fun {and hot} couple of hours. She used to take me there when I was little, so it was special for her to be able to take my boys.
Summer is really heating up, y’all. Thank goodness it’s just about half over: school starts in just 5 weeks!
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