Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Easter Saturday

Kenny and I and the boys met up with Grandma and Grandpa last Saturday for a really fun morning. Since we were in different cities on Easter Sunday, we spent some time with them the day before.

We talked about a number of options but ended up settling on playing at a playground for a couple of hours after breakfast. However, an unexpected cool front came through early that morning, and we had chosen to meet at a playground right by the lake. That meant it was super windy and really chilly out there. So not the norm for the beginning of April!


Despite the temperature, everyone had a really great time. I had never been to that playground before but will certainly go back with the boys. It has a great play structure, and it is totally enclosed by a fence. No accidental escaping!


Riley had a great time jumping off of a little wall, Rory loved climbing anything we let him and running up the ramp, and they both loved when Grandpa tried to get them through the bars of the playset.


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We walked over to the pier to check out the crazy waves in the lake before we left. The wind really churned the water up, and the boys loved watching the spray fly high in the air. Rory also of course loved the ramp leading up to the pier. And everyone was sporting windblown hair. It was nuts out there!









We weren’t quite ready for the fun to end, so we decided to drive down to Dat Dog for lunch. Grandma and Grandpa had never been before, and Riley was excited to show them one of his favorite places. However, we ran into a problem as we approached the Freret location: the street was blocked by a huge stage right in front of Dat Dog. We had accidentally stumbled upon the Freret Street Festival.


Amazingly, though, the restaurant was practically empty. We had no trouble finding a good table and there wasn’t anyone in line to order. Practically unheard of! We had a great time with good food and fun music. Yay Dat Dog!


We put the boys down for late naps when we got home, and Grandpa headed back across the lake. I got busy in the kitchen preparing three things for Easter while Kenny and Grandma went out to work in the front gardens. The boys joined them outside when they woke up a couple of hours later and had fun getting dirty.

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Then, after Grandma had gone home and we had cleaned up outside and the boys had had dinner and a bath and Kenny and I relaxed in front of tv for a bit, I took the trash out and saw this beautiful sight. Wow.


SUCH a fun day. Thanks for spending time with us, Grandma and Grandpa!

Easter recap coming up next!


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